Treadmill Doctor's Guide to Choosing the Right Treadmill for Your Home Gym

If you're looking to build a home gym, a treadmill is an essential piece of equipment to consider. With a treadmill, you can run or walk indoors, regardless of the weather, and get a great cardiovascular workout without leaving your home. 

However, with so many options available, choosing the right treadmill for your home gym can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of selecting the perfect treadmill for your fitness needs, with tips from the Treadmill Doctor.

Consider Your Fitness Goals

  • The first step in choosing a treadmill is to consider your fitness goals. Do you want to walk, jog, or run on the machine? Are you training for a specific event or just looking to improve your overall fitness? The answers to these questions will help you determine what features and specifications you need in a treadmill. 

  • For example, if you're a serious runner, you'll need a treadmill with a powerful motor, a long and wide belt, and high maximum speed. On the other hand, if you're just looking to walk or jog, a less powerful motor and smaller belt may suffice.

Check the Motor Power

  • The motor is the heart of a treadmill, and its power is essential for the machine's performance and longevity. The motor power is measured in horsepower (HP), and the higher the HP, the more powerful the motor. 

  • A more powerful motor can handle heavier users and longer workouts, and it provides a smoother and quieter operation. The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with a motor power of at least 2.5 HP for running and 1.5 HP for walking.

Consider the Belt Size

  • The belt size is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a treadmill. The belt is the running surface, and its size determines how comfortable and safe your workout will be. 

  • A wider and longer belt provides more room for movement, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with a belt width of at least 20 inches and a length of at least 55 inches for running.

Check the Maximum Speed

  • The maximum speed is another important specification to consider, especially if you're a runner. The maximum speed is measured in miles per hour (mph), and it determines how fast you can run on the treadmill. 

  • The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with a maximum speed of at least 10 mph for running.

Check the Incline Range

  • The incline range is another important feature to consider, especially if you're looking to challenge yourself and burn more calories. 

  • The incline simulates uphill running, and it provides a more intense workout than running on a flat surface. The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with an incline range of at least 10% for running and walking.

Consider the Cushioning

  • The cushioning is another factor to consider, especially if you're prone to joint pain or injuries. The cushioning system reduces the impact of your feet on the machine, reducing the stress on your joints and muscles.

  •  A good cushioning system provides a comfortable and safe workout, and it can prevent injuries in the long run. The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with a cushioning system that can be adjusted to your liking.

Check the Console Features

  • The console features determine how easy and enjoyable your workout will be. The console is the control panel of the machine, and it displays important information such as speed, time, distance, calories burned, and heart rate.

  •  A good console should be easy to use, with large and clear displays, and it should provide useful features such as preset workouts, Bluetooth connectivity, and built-in speakers. The Treadmill Doctor recommends choosing a treadmill with a console that meets your needs and preferences.

Consider the Price

About the author


Let's set the record straight : we're not actually doctors, much as our mom would love to brag otherwise. We're two brothers from Olive Branch, MS, who have an MBA, an MDiv, and a Master's in Political Science between us-but no MD.

Over the years though, we've certainly earned our specialties in "elliptretics" and "treadmllology" - and Clark really did start out by using a stethoscope to diagnose faults with treadmills ( hence the company name).

In fact, we've been in this industry since Clark was still In school in 1987 - when the commercial fitness equipment Industry was only a few years old. And It's no longer just us two: today we're a team of 32 fitness- equipment enthusiasts, - all devoting our lives to keeping your machines in peak condition.